Monday, October 22, 2012

Water Scarcity

Title:Water scarcity a reality in SADC
Author:Farirai Machivenyika
      Due to global warming and population growth, over five million people in Southern Africa may require humanitarian assistance in 2012 and 2013.There is an increase in the amount of people that require help. In 2011 3.93 million people needed assistance. 200 million people are are at risk for water shortage. Global warming has had a significant impact on weather patterns. Rainfall patterns have become unpredictable, which is bad for Africa because there is an insufficient amount of water there. Many people living in Africa depend on crops that require water. The lack of food and water in Africa has made many people think about how they can help the country receive the food and water that the people need.

People in Africa trying to find drinking water

    I think that it is terrible that 200 million people are at risk of water shortage and may not have enough food. I think that it is good that people are trying to find ways to make water more accessible in Africa and realize that there is an over dependence on rain water. People can not depend on the weather because global warming has made weather unpredictable, they must find other ways to have water available to them. We talked in class about how there are too many people and there are not enough resources. I think that this is a perfect example of why the human population needs to be controlled so that everyone has enough resources and nobody has to suffer. Food and water is a limiting factor in many poor countries such as Africa.

1)What do you think can be done to help people have clean drinking water in countries such as Africa? 
2)Why do you think people in Africa depend so much on rain? 
3)Who do you think can help Africa the most by supplying food,water,medicine,etc.? Why?


  1. I think that it is very sad that in some places the sensual things needed to live are lacking.I am glad that i never have to worry about there being water for me to drink. This makes me think about a soup kitchen it work at in Philly. The people there no that it has gotten cold and they do not have a warm place to be they really want things that will keep them warm. these to relate because all of us when we are cold we have plenty of things to keep us warm. but this things we take for grantet like water and warm cloths so people go with out.
    how did people live there before? if we believe that everyone came from Africa.
    is water the only thing that is lacking in Africa?
    could the people adapat to the dirty water?

  2. Daniel Wikler is a professor at Harvard University where he is a Professor of Population Ethics and Professor of Ethics and Population Health. He received his education at UCLA in 1976 and graduated with a Ph.D.
    Dr. Wikler is a good choice for this blog review because he is the co-director of a project with the PRC Ministry of Health and the World Health Organization. He is joining Chinese colleagues to increase the capacity for ethical reviews of health research. He is also the co-director of the Program on Ethical Issues in International Health Research at the School of Public Health, which helps people research on ethical research issues in health research, particularly in developing countries. He is a dedicated man in his field of work and he is also dedicated outside of his workplace. He loves to help people. This is why Dr. Wikler is a good choice for this blog review.

    Dear Dr. Wikler,
    My name is Billy C. and I am a freshman at Hatboro-Horsham High School in Pennsylvania. My science class is doing a blog about water scarcity. It would be terrific if you could view our blog. You may email my teacher, Mrs. DeLuca, at or go to our blog directly at My class and I would greatly appreciate it if you could leave a comment on our blog as well. Thank you for your time.
    Billy C.

  3. I found this cool video online about the lack of clean, sanitary drinking water that is available to people in Africa.
    Many people all around the world die from drinking water that is unsafe. Almost one billion people do not have access to clean water, and some women travel 3.7 miles everyday just to collect water to give to her children.

    Here is the link:
