Wednesday, October 31, 2012

High Lead Levels in Water Causes Concern

High Lead Levels Found in Chicago Water
by: Ellen Gabler
Chicago Tribune
August 5, 2011

In Chicago, high amounts of lead were found in seven of 38 homes during the required testing. A number set in 1990, 15 parts per billion in 10% of water samples, is the maximum amount of lead that can be in a home or pipe before it has to be examined with a closer look. Unfortunately, this number can be fixed, and has been. Utility providers required to do the testing have instructed residents to flush their pipes to remove lead one day before testing. They also use methods old methods that worked two decades ago, but are inaccurate today. After the City of Chicago took it upon themselves to check the water, the numbers were astounding. Although the lead levels do not reach the magic number of 15, they come close. Two homes registered 14.9 and 13.1 parts per billion. Most buildings that have running water have been told to flush their pipes, like schools. The utilities do not want to go through fixing pipes. Cold water supposedly contains less lead. Most utilities collect cold over the hot water that most of us use. High levels of lead can cause IQ loss in children, even death. The City of Chicago is stepping up to take care of this deadly problem.

Jennifer Kelly
This is a photo of a family wondering if there is deadly lead material in their drinking water.

The utilities that change the results of lead testing are just wrong. They need to change their methods and lower the parts per billion number. Any amount of lead can be deadly, so why can’t the number be zero or one? Lead is a poisonous material and it needs to be monitored closely. It also needs to be monitored during a typical day. There should be random test days so utilities can’t tell their customers to flush their lines to protect them from losing money. Older homes contain more lead due to the lead-based paints that were used years ago. I live in an old house, built in 1937, and lead paint was used. Concerns obviously arose due to the fact that lead paint was used inside and outside our home. My parents made sure that all areas of the house were “cleansed” of the poisonous material. This is no laughing matter, and we can’t afford to wait for it to be changed. The entire United States needs to change their lead testing right away. There needs to be a sense of urgency right now!

1.       Do you trust your utility provider after reading this article? Why or why not?
2.       Have your parents ever been told to flush their pipes? If so, by what company?
3.       Have you ever feared that lead could be inside of you right now?
4.       Have you ever thought that lead could be inside your house right now? Why or why not?

Friday, October 26, 2012

hunger in America

Hunger In America  by Travis Waldron and Pat Garofalo

In the year there was 17.2 billion households in the US were there was not enough food. This also represents 14.2% of the households. Within those households and others there was a total of 48.8 million Americans with less food than they should have. The saddest part to this is that children were effected. 3.9 million House hold had not the right amount of food and children. This could partly be blamed on the rise of food prices. Last year they rose 3.6%. 

When I think of hunger I think of third world countries. Certainly not America to me is seen as a place that has a problem of hunger. I did not know that so many people do not have the right amount of food. It is sad to think that people have to think about where their next meal is coming from. There is always food there for me and I am grateful for that
1 Could food be a limiting factor for the human race? Explain?
2 After reading this does it change your likelihood of giving to others that have less?
3 Is there a way to better provide food for every one?

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Arctic Sea Ice Melting

Title of Article: "Ending Its Summer Melt, Arctic Sea Ice Sets a New Low That Leads to Warnings"
Publication: The New York Times
Date: September 19th, 2012

         Every summer, a drastic amount of the polar ice melts, and then as the colder seasons roll around, it refreezes for the winter. In 2007, the percent of sea ice that covered the surface of the 
Arctic Ocean reached an all time low of 29%. That record was broken this year, in 2012, only 24% of the ocean surface was covered with ice. Many experts believe that this is a result in the amount of greenhouse gases that are produced from human activities. The ice is a very important resource on earth, because it is considered "Earth's Air-Conditioner" and helps keep the plant's temperature regulated.  Although the water refreezes in the winter, it will be substantially thinner and more prone to melting.  If the rapid erosion of the ice continues at this rate of speed, researchers are speculating that in the year 2020, all of the ice will be gone. Even now, the ocean is rising at 1 foot a year, which is an alarming rate, and without any restrictions on emissions, the Polar Ice and the species that inhabit them may be doomed. 

Above is a picture of where the polar ice caps were in 1979, (outlined in red) compared to where they are today. 

           I think that the health of the planet is rapidly deteriorating, and it needs to be mended somehow. Many species of animals inhabit these regions, and without them, biodiversity will go down, and the oceans will start to become overflowed, and all over the world, the climate and temperatures will be affected greatly. I believe that something needs to be done to help reduce the amount of greenhouse gases that are heating the planet up.

         1.) How do you believe that the human population can reduce the amount of greenhouse gases and emission that is put into the air?
         2.) Do you believe that global warming exists, or is it just something that was bound to happen naturally? 
         3.) Do you think that it is important to put time and money into saving the Arctic Ice? Why or why not? 

Monday, October 22, 2012

Water Scarcity

Title:Water scarcity a reality in SADC
Author:Farirai Machivenyika
      Due to global warming and population growth, over five million people in Southern Africa may require humanitarian assistance in 2012 and 2013.There is an increase in the amount of people that require help. In 2011 3.93 million people needed assistance. 200 million people are are at risk for water shortage. Global warming has had a significant impact on weather patterns. Rainfall patterns have become unpredictable, which is bad for Africa because there is an insufficient amount of water there. Many people living in Africa depend on crops that require water. The lack of food and water in Africa has made many people think about how they can help the country receive the food and water that the people need.

People in Africa trying to find drinking water

    I think that it is terrible that 200 million people are at risk of water shortage and may not have enough food. I think that it is good that people are trying to find ways to make water more accessible in Africa and realize that there is an over dependence on rain water. People can not depend on the weather because global warming has made weather unpredictable, they must find other ways to have water available to them. We talked in class about how there are too many people and there are not enough resources. I think that this is a perfect example of why the human population needs to be controlled so that everyone has enough resources and nobody has to suffer. Food and water is a limiting factor in many poor countries such as Africa.

1)What do you think can be done to help people have clean drinking water in countries such as Africa? 
2)Why do you think people in Africa depend so much on rain? 
3)Who do you think can help Africa the most by supplying food,water,medicine,etc.? Why?

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Shifts in the Pacific Ecosystem

Scientists Predict Major Shift in Pacific Ecosystem by 2100


Date: 10-2-12

Global warming is predicted to change many things on this planet and the oceans are no exception. Experts estimate that in the next century, many important ocean habitats can shift over 600 miles away from their original location, while others will simply stay put. This change in habitation will put stress on already overfished species, increase migration time, and could potentially ruin tourism in many oceanfront areas. Although all of this seems so bad, there are a few species who can adapt and benefit from these drastic changes. Seabirds and tuna are two species that will actually have more food than before! Many scientists are working to preserve and protect delicate areas of the oceans and trying to learn more about the organisms who inhabit them before it is too late. 

I think that the scientists who are studying this topic are going in the right direction and that they should try to stop something like this before it happens. A steady change over time will cause a lot of damage and it will be way better to preserve the oceans habitats than to just let them move. 
1.) What is the definition of a habitat?
2.) What do you think is more important, to save the ocean habitats or to save tourism?
3.) What species of animals will benefit from the chance of ocean habitats?