Saturday, January 12, 2013

TitleAir pollution in notoriously polluted Beijing at dangerous levels that are expected to linger

Author: The Washington Post 

Date: Saturday, January 12th, 2013


        Ever since Beijing, China started keeping records of their air quality a little over a year ago, recently, the air quality is the worst it has ever been. The highest level is color coded as Maroon, or Hazardous, and the particulate count for that level is between 301-500 micro grams per cubic meter. When The Beijing Municipal Environmental Monitoring Center measured the AQI on Friday, some monitoring systems were picking up readings upward of 700 micro grams per cubic meter, which is extremely hazardous to human health, due to the fact that it damages lungs. By Saturday at 8 PM, a reading of 886 was recorded, which is off the charts. The government is expecting  these conditions to continue into next week, and advising people to stay indoors. A major source of this pollution is due to the heavy reliance on burning coal for power. Many authorities are blaming foggy weather for the amount of build up of pollutants. 

I think the government should try to evacuate the area because of how dangerous surface level ozone can be for you, especially in very high amounts, like the ones that the citizens of Beijing are being exposed too.

1.) What is a possible way to "clean the air" naturally?
2.) What would you do if you were in the government's position?


  1. 1. What is a possible way to "clean the air" naturally?

    A natural way to clean the air from the surface level ozone is to have a heaven rainstorm. The rain would wash the pollutants out of the sky and onto the ground, where it is less hazardous to people's breathing. Another way to clean the air is for high winds to carry the surface level ozone away from the city, allowing people to breathe in fresh air and not hazardous air.

    2. What would you do if you were in the government's position?

    I would tell people to stay indoors and do not go outside at all! I would send people with the right equipment to bring food to houses if necessary. I would also check the weather to see if any rain or winds would be in the forecast. If not, I would evacuate the city to a special facility. After the surface level ozone is eliminated, I would try to lower the dependency on coal to try to prevent this scary event from happening again.

  2. The rest of the world should also help becuase they relay on chinna for alot of there goods. There area should be evacuted for the safty of the people. there should be free health care given to the people that live in this area.

    new questions
    1.why did chinna wait so long to start to record the air quallity? long did this bad conditions last?
    3. do you think the gonverment will help the people that are effected?
